Rapid Infection

Ignorance as virtue,

Cultural abscess,

Infectious black hole

Plague that spreads

Killing human rights

Stale bread & sad circus clowns

Inject smiles to kill the frowns

On all the cows who’ve come to graze

Upon the grass atop their graves.

Whats the point in long life

If you waste every day?

Counting calories, playing it safe,

Tomorrow depends on

The generosity of fate.

I’d rather try my luck at the prize

Than pin my hopes to blackened skies

Work & ethics do not relate,

Morality as blackmail

Keep you chained to this factory farm estate

Weighed down by dollars & debts

Another industrial slave

There is always a choice,

Always a price to be paid,

Health, time, happiness.

My work is my play.

I traded riches for poverty,

You traded freedom for chains.

In the end experiences

Are all we can take away.

Everything else is transient,

The only universal law is change.

Jack Blare