The Eternal Return

The Eternal Return by John Kolchak follows the life and lies of an unreliable narrator named Lucky. Lucky is an aspiring writer who takes a trip to New York City to finish his book where he reflects on his past relationships and ends up meeting the mysterious and beautiful Betty who happens to be disabled. Using a clever writing style that blends poetry and prose, Kolchak explores Lucky’s checkered past with women and his budding relationship with Betty as he struggles to find love and meaning in his life. The tale is vivid and gritty, a rare and relatable writing style that refuses to pull any punches as it explores the difficulties of romantic relationships. A stirring mix of black humour, brutal honesty and metaphor that is rare to see in a modern novel, The Eternal Return is a work of literary genius willing to confront controversy that most modern authors would shy away from. The author weaves poetry and prose together into a fascinating story about the fragile human condition that keeps the pages turning and is well worth the read.

-Jack Blare

Bruise in Bloom

Enjoy some of the stuff I post? Interested in supporting independent media? You can find copies of my latest collection, 2019’s “Bruise in Bloom” with original cover art by Lydia Lunch for $10 by following the link below. My other works are also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc, etc.

Bruise in Bloom

The Stained Glass Delusion

Independent poetry about loss, mental illness, addiction & alienation. This is blood poetry, not love poetry. For fans of Lydia Lunch, Allen Ginsberg, WS Burroughs, Phillip K. Dick and other freaks of the page. Written for the times. Support independent poetry for once. Put down the Plath and TS Eliot, we know they’re good but you’ve read it all before. Take a chance on something new that isn’t on Netflix for once. Prove that poetry is not dead. Available for $10 US through the link below.

The Stained Glass Delusion