Static Intention

The air hangs heavy with intention

Covering the empty roadways in mist

Memories bubble up and churn.

A single car rolls down a dirt road

Cutting through the mist like a fish through water

In a small country graveyard a son sets his father’s urn down.

Marking it with a sprig of fresh cedar glistening with dewdrops.

His arms ache from the cuts and injections, bleeding under an old silk shirt.

He looks fine but on the inside he is terribly sick strung out shaking.

Tired of a life of addiction and pain but unable to escape it.

He drives home through the fog, black band on his right wrist.

Memories of hanging heavy around his neck, silver and gold chains.

The sharp, vivid sickness of sobriety.

Bright, painful, too clear.

Finds a vein, red flag first try, pushes the plunger

Then at last shuts his eyes, trying to block out the world.

-Jack Blare, 2023

Die Sleeping

I feel the tendrils of the void

Reach out to embrace me

Pulling me beyond

The Doors of Perception

To infinite deaths

Tearing my consciousness apart

Piece by piece

Embraced by the darkness

Endless nothingness,

Tentacles of nightmare wrapped

Around the fabric of my soul

Ripping apart reality piece by piece

The kiss of shadows

Down beneath 

Ebony waves 

Deep into the abyss

That lies outside

This life.

-Jack Blare

Killer Conspiracy


Deserve your fate

You don’t make sense

Willing victims

Of consequence

America’s bitches

All gather together

Racists & narcissists

They think they can’t die

Huddle close in stormy weather

When you’re

Gasping for breath

A horrible death

For believing in a lie

You deserve what you get

I don’t care if you die

Human arrogance and stupidity has peaked.

Rich ass white boys, conservative and clean.

Think they’re wiser because they believe in a fantasy.

Cut up your health cards

You know you won’t need them.

As a wolf kills the slow & the weak

A virus thrives on stupidity

Here take these sheets from the recently deceased

Curl up in medical waste

Its not real, you’ll be safe

Inconvenience is not oppression

Nature teaches a harsh lesson

You have a fever?

Its just the regular flu.

Take some codeine

And a tylenol

Tough it out.

Maybe its pneumonia

No doctor would help you

But downtown Toronto

Is full of fentanyl.

Kill that cough

If you survive

Wave your little sign

Nobody can see it

We’re all inside

Quarantines have been

Around for centuries,

I am free to do as I please

And what I do

You’re too scared to

Thought you had an open mind.

Nature has its way

Of balancing things out

You chose to gamble with fate

Odds are you’ll win

But someone is going to lose

Maybe its your mother, sister, friend.

You’ll have to live with blood on your hands

Hug each other, kiss, fuck.

As you slowly suffocate

Subtle at first but soon

You feel like you’re drowning

it becomes harder and harder to breathe

Someone gives you a natural cure

Its just the flu you’ll be fine

You know the real truth

The narcissistic hero

Lying on the ground.

Loses consciousness

Hypoxia eats the brain.

If there is a brain

In these self absorbed morons.

Sheep happily going to the slaughterhouse

Nature has a way of balancing things out

This planet is overcrowded.

So have your little protest,

But don’t you dare go to a hospital.

A few less of you would make the world a better place

So roll the dice.

You have nothing to fear, right?


Fever Days

Come down, junk sick fevered

Visions of primordial chaos

Ashen pillars, obelisks of bone,

Mass graves writhing with the restless dead

An ancient house in the forest

Restless, haunted by death.

Escape becomes survival.

Guerrillas in the city hunted by police,

Our hideout destroyed by bombs

One by one caught & killed us all.

Jack Blare, 2019

What the Hell Happened To Us?

Time has cut the bonds of friendship

Like a fresh razor blade

Setting me free.

We’re all damned.

So many lost & forgotten

Dead friends & traitor friends

I trimmed them like diseased branches that

At one time knew me & used to care,

Before the plague of time

Tore us apart piece by piece.

I had innocence & hope.

Now my soul feels cold

Like a body weighed down

A gift for the merciless gods

Of a merciless world.

I watched my dreams wither

Like dead branches & death

Infested dreams.

I could not save the boy.

I could not save my father.

Sold my soul to the morphine

Dream demons that bloom

From the restless nightmare

Planted so long ago,

Forgotten & hidden by dreams

That slip like serpents 

Into my thought damaged machine,

Just bare flesh, scars & demons,

Waking to my own screams,

Soaked in sweat, blood & nightmares

That flow shrieking into waking, shaking sweat.

Cold arms of death around me,

Tentacles of madness & despair

Made of fear embrace me

With the overflowing nightmare.

Jack Blare, 2020