Shadow Puppetry

Already out of step with my generation.

Tranquilized, disinterested, fucking bored.

Irregular beat, arrhythmia of the eternal soul

Free-falling through endless night.

Ghosts dance wild waltzes

To faded beats ancestral drums.

Shadowy plays flicker & figure out truth & illusion,

Death creeps quietly across the walls.

Am I the prisoner? Escapee? Saviour?

The enlightened mind?

Or just one more shadow

Playing out its part on the walls of the cave?

Jack Blare

Shadow Puppets

Already out of step with my generation.

Tranquilized, disinterested, fucking bored.

Irregular beat, arrhythmia of the eternal soul

Free-falling through night.

Ghosts dance wild waltzes

To sounds of ancestral drums

That become harder for living ears to hear every year,

Until only those dreamers that can see beyond or the sleepless starved mad hear

The timeless beat.

Shadow plays flicker & figure out truth & illusion,

Dredging up memories I never knew I had.

Shadows on the cave wall.

Am I the prisoner?

The Escapee?

The saviour?

Or just one more shadow?

Jack Blare, 2015