New Canadian Far Right Groups Openly Protest: Media & Police Do Nothing

They go under various names such as “Republicans of Canada” This group call themselves “Free North Patriots” seemingly unaware that American “patriots” invaded Quebec during the revolution and spilled Canadian. They have no openly declared leader and after questioning multiple members the only thing that seems to united them is a belief that Covid-19 is a hoax and support for US despot Donald Trump. 

The Canadian Patriots have planned protests in every major city across the country. They leave their houses, get in their cars, drive to the protests, walk into Queen’s Park without any trouble and hold signs saying their rights have been violated. After this they get back in their cars, drive home and face no obstacles or legal troubles. 

There is a clear narcissistic streak in the members of Canadian Patriots. They all claim to know some hidden secret that proves their various beliefs correct. When questioned further they became hostile and defensive. They have even advocated vandalism but in typical fashion their idea of vandalism is taping a sign with their ubiquitous logo.

They want Canada to open up. The process of re-opening has already begun and the order in which businesses are to open has been established. Their reason to protest is gone but the danger to their children and other family members is not. These ill-conceived protests are putting lives in danger for reasons that are completely non-existent. 

A video on their facebook page shows eight police officers standing in a circle and chatting, no weapons drawn, some with their backs to the protesters. The video claims this is a “heavy police presence.” In comparison the G20 protests had thousands of police officers, weapons drawn. Photos of the protesters show them standing apart, several with masks around their necks. Whether they did this on their own or were asked to by police is unclear. 

Free North Patriots is just one of dozens of similar groups popping up run by far right conspiracy theorists that believe their rights are being violated by the lockdown. They are copycat versions of the larger protests in America. Another group is called Canadian Republicans, unaware that Canada is a parliamentary democracy and not a republic. They are tied together by their fringe views, disbelief in the pandemic and loyalty to Trump, a foreign leader.

Most disturbing is the openly racist character of the Free North Patriots. This hate is targeted at the Asian community, who are already suffering from hate crimes. In a post from the page admin they denied all charges of inciting hatred.

Prominent member Corinne Hanley had this to say when asked if she had any evidence to support her opinions. “you didn’t loose(sic) any of your slave rights, correct(sic). keep rollin up the rim to win. the socialists controlling your world just love that. still putting neurotoxins in that java over at timmies? Where were you when China was invading Canada? waiting in line for your double double? How’s your social credit score? Don’t have one? Oh yes you do. And I’m sure it’s super high, the CCP will download a copy to your socialist handlers here in Canada when the next election is stolen. Wake the hell up.” 

Jack Blare, 2019

Scalpels & Sunbeams

Surgery can’t make you beautiful

Any more than it can mar your beauty.

Beauty is transient, spiritual it transcends

Simple concepts like time & flesh.

The difference between seeing a painting

Or a photograph of a painting.

Between hearing the music live

Or hearing a recording.

Real beauty is true.

The truth is often raw, scarred & stitched.

It can bring peace & it can sting

With a venom more agonizing than any known creature.

The truth can be buried but it cannot be killed.

Beaty & truth are powerful perceptions,

Perceptions nonetheless.

Beauty is based in the centre of the soul.

It doesn’t give a damn about how people perceive,

About other people on TV, in porn or magazines.

It doesn’t matter what people want to see.

Do what you want, what you think that you need.

Above all beauty is free to be what you want it to be.

Jack Blare, 2020

Happy Fucking New Years

Get ready for a new decade

And the same old shit repackaged.

What use is a writer

In a society that no longer values literacy?

I’m a new relic of a world that could be.

Self-loathing & sadness are so boring.

I’ve seen it all before.

Now I see what truly matters

And its not money, not drugs, not booze, not sex.

Love on a razor blade.

A thin pair of transparent stockings & summer dress,

Voluptuous curves & self-harm scars with a striptease.

Who cares about fact, history & truth?

They died with the decade.

I saw a bald eagle plummet from the sky

Slowly dying in a toxic swamp as scavengers circle.

Lydian ideals.

Daydream Nation spin.

Dexedrine & gold cosmonaut pills.

Whipped cream canisters & balloons.

I can count my real friends on one hand.

I am a junkie, a liar & thief.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Master of His Fate.

Existentialist poet that sold his soul

And his freedom

To be free of anxiety & feel no pain.

University dropout prone to self-sabotage.

Yet I would not change my past,

It is part of what defines me.

Up all night again seeking truths

In wine, in Canadian whiskey & white lines.

The only thing that really makes sense in this world

Is the Night Blooming Flower.

They are right to be jealous.

How does one explain the inexplicable

To people that only see in three dimensions?

Its like trying to explain William Blake to a welder

That only reads instruction manuals.

Macluhan. Medium is the message,

If you get your news from TV you’ve already lost half the info,

Cut out to save time for adds & sitcoms.

Technology moved beyond me ten years ago

When I was just nineteen.

The system has a fatal flaw:

It destroys anything not of itself.

Tens of thousands of OD’s & suicides.

Self driving cars, “smart” phones, predictive text.

The West is a dystopian mix of Huxley & Orwell

With a dash of Phillip K. Dick,

The rest of the world starves & goes to war.

We are dying from epidemic obesity

And “mentally ill” white supremacist mass shooters

Looking for their footnote in history.

To spread the legacy of their perceived failures as men.

The right is united while the left is splintered into factions

Feminists that hate trans people. People that think they’re fictional characters.

Callout social media culture that drives people to madness.

Politically correct speech & thought has replaced

Racial & gender equality, food, shelter, harm reduction & medical care for all.

Internet squabbles over pronouns are more important to some than protesting police brutality.

I don’t trust the New Left & never trusted the right.

I would vote for The Birthday Party over any of these fools,

If Rowland S. Howard were still alive.

There are no great musicians, poets or writers from this generation

So I will become one. 

Surreal, drug fuelled poetry & dissonance.

Not part of any subculture.

“Too weird for punk.”

Make your own way, create a subculture instead of joining one.

Now almost 30, supposed to settle down,

Get a place & a regular 9-5 job, marry someone

Fuck & spawn things more wretched than me.

This world doesn’t need any more lonely people

Its overpopulated by them.

Walking around like cracked glass mirrors

That show our lost former selves.

Before the booze, the babies, the addictions & ODs.

The fucked up relationships & mindless comments

That unintentionally slip through the barriers around my mind

And fester in some dark corner until my demons return & retake control

When it will announce itself like blood announces a cut.

I’m damned & drowning in this sea of lost souls too

But for better or worse I can’t help but try

To pull them to safety, even as the weight drags us under

Into the Great Abyss of mental illness

Like an emotional deep sea trench

And the only light is bioluminescent

From the strange beings of the most alien parts of earth.

I’m seeking more than just to survive chained to multiple medications.

This decade I want to thrive, create, fulfill my deep desires, become more than who I am.

Its an uphill battle but worth it. I’ve stories to tell, stories,

Memories are all we really have.

So happy fucking new years to whoever reads this crap.

Klonopin, THC, CBD, CBN, suboxone & a sleepless night

Are catching up to me. Words & thoughts blur together as I nod out over this poem.

-Jack Blare, 2020

Awake Through Surgery

Keep up the steady self-destruction.

Hold that scalpel tight and

Make your first clean incision.

Bleed into public shower stalls,

Infecting the idiots

With made-up diseases.

This here be the devil’s town,

An in his town he does as he pleases.

A crimson drop into an ocean of grey,

Dried and crusted by high UV politics.

Keep the scalpel straight and steady

Don’t waste any time on pleasures or pleases

Just aim for the throat.

Sacrifice yourself to us,

We’re all you ever needed.

If I was you boy I’d make a clean cut

And put your trust in the ocean.

Trust the waves.

-Jack Blare


You don’t look too good kid.

How long you been up?

24, 48, sixty hours & not one single chance to bite

That golden hook hanging above like static lightning.

No, not even a single glimpse of the fleeing heel of god,

Just omnipresent Shadow People

& Little ashy textured spirits

Flitting around the tiny doorframe of human perception.

Why are you so shaky kid?

Never had to kill your own meat before?

We all get nervous our first time

But it’s easy as paddling a canoe.

Just slip your blade

Into that thick flowing red river.

Split the surface to let out the demons,

Drown them in blood.

-Jack Blare, 2015



Catching Some Z’s

One of those late nights up together & distorted in the best possible way, Rabbit asked me “why it is that neither of us can write anything good about anything happy, but the depressing shit just flows?”

Because happiness is boring, happiness is dull, its the really sad things that make you feel, that sweet natural shiver down the spine, like you hear a song that fits your mood perfectly and you know you’ve heard it before, a long time ago, yet you know this is the very first time, your mind tells you it has to be.

That’s what I told him, but maybe we write it because its depressing, because we live in a society that is ruled by hypocrisy and lies, because people need to see the bad side of the coin, dark side of the moon. How else can we change the forces that are shaping this world if we don’t point out the folly, the idiocy, the abuses of people, of money & of power.

-Jack Blare, 2015


Since WWII America has been there to police other nations and their leaders, through negotiation, annexation, unequal treaties, proxy wars, training & arming rebel groups and coups d’état. Since the collapse of the USSR they’ve had free reign to influence politics worldwide. With 9/11 and the rise of the republican party they had their “just cause” and took the opportunity to topple at least two regimes directly & directing their policies from Washington. This kept people gazing out while on the inside America was a pot of water about to boil over. Racism and segregation have returned, specially on the right-wing. There is no united left and thus no real opposition to the corporate rich or the federal military.

America has become stagnated because of the power it wields on the world stage. The idea of armed resistance on American soil to a foreign directed authoritarian regime is considered unthinkable and whoever fires first loses the propaganda wars. There are literal concentration camps for muslims and immigrants and Americans condemn it loudly but they might as well be shouting at a brick wall. Immigrant children become ammo for politicians to exploit. America has been so busy focused on policing the world that they’ve lost the ability to even police their own politicians.

A few years ago smart man with few moral qualms noticed this inner divide & exploited it further. Having gained total control of his own nation he wanted to expand but also test the limits of NATO and the UN. Putin used the exact same excuses for annexing Crimea that Hitler did when he took the Rhineland, which was to protect the rights of the Russian/German speaking minorities. There were protests & sanctions but the success in Crimea outweighed these by the prestige Russia achieved on the world stage in the view of his allies. Just like Nazi Germany sent troops to help Franco in Spain, Putin sent them to Syria to aid Assad. Meddling in the US election & likely influencing the outcome was his master stroke. Clinton had a long history of politics & is a competent, level-headed politician, she would doubtlessly continue the US hard line on Russia. When Trump got elected it was Putin’s opportunity. He blackmailed & bribed senior US officials, got the Iran nuclear deal scrapped and has free reign in Europe and Western Asia because the only other country powerful enough to pose a significant military risk to Russia, the US, is too busy building walls to keep out immigrants & Western media is a litany of Trump stories. 

Using the fault lines of race, immigration and fear the Republicans and thus the Russians have had a free hand at enacting their policies in America and overseas. Syria was retaken with Russian help. All day Americans gripe on social media about their president, the growing wage gap, unemployment, racism, sexism but they aren’t able to affect any change through the polls, the democrats are useless and no one in America is willing to risk an actual uprising. No one even blows up mailboxes anymore. Mass shootings happen weekly, usually by young, white, angry virgins on prescription drugs but they tend to be racially or sexually motivated, not truly political. Should we continue to speak, beg and plead to indifferent politicians? Americans rebelled over tea and stamps, now they are having their rights stripped away piece by piece while they slowly decompose as they stare blankly at screens all the time. 

We have children ripped screaming from their weeping mother’s arms and put into detention centres where they are so heavily sedated they just sit and watch TV in their junior orange jumpsuits. We’ve had ICE agents coming in the night and taking away undocumented immigrants, just like the Gestapo did with Jews. Families ripped apart, camps for certain “undesirable” ethnicities, people being deported to their place of execution, often countries bombed by US aircraft. This is what we know publicly. We said “never again” yet here we are, half way down the same road. At what point does one become complicit? Do people have to die for anyone to pay attention? Even then would the public care? America is in its own phoney civil war right now. Putin was once a KGB officer. He served under Soviet premiers Brezhnev, Andropov & Gorbachev then as head of the KGB’s successor organization, the FSB under Yeltsin’s administration. Putin did what no other Russian President or Soviet premier could, not Kruschev, not Brezhnev, Andropov or Gorbachev, not even Joseph Stalin: he won the Cold War.

-Jack Blare, 2018

Prefabricated Lives

Nightmare world of capitalist authoritarianism, with everyone on different pills, wired up to feeds, nailed to their phones like Christ on the Cross.

Behold the martyrdom of mediocrity, the realization of idiocracy,

The dawn of the 21st century may spell sunset for Western Democracy.

The truth has always been unpopular.

They’d rather read the same love poem written 200 times,

Followed by an equally awful poem about heartbreak.

So where did I lose everyone? Zoloft & depression?

Recovery from injection? Cop cars, self harm & klonopin?

Dead family members, shooting double barrelled drugs to block out the pain?

To sate my irrational mind that screams ‘END IT NOW!’

And tears a six inch gash in my arm, breaks a glass, uses the shards to shred,

I think thats where I lost you. (Who?) 

When you started to see yourself.

I’m a product of my environment just like you.

Privilege is literacy & computer access.

We argue over scraps of ideology while others fight for their lives.

Hoping to get by, to just merely survive.

Love & heartbreak are easy emotions. Black & white teenage poetry.

I don’t write that shit. I write the truth as I see it, brutal, ruthless & vicious

Like life. Given & taken at a whim. 

I doubt I’ll ever be a well-known poet.

No matter how much effort I put in.

These poems require a modicum of attention too much

For the modern day human monstrosity to bear.

Its easier to ignore or romanticize drugs, mental illness & self harm.

Its easy to spot the fakes ‘cause real junkies know there aint no romance.

Just a cold turkey kick or a rehab stint with a pharmaceutical probation.

Whether I die famous & happy or broke & unknown

Doesn’t matter to me. In fifty years no one will read.

They will want to know how we let them down though.

I met a travelling fortune teller at a bar,

Traded my words for her wisdom, crafted my desired destiny

I now know I’m doing exactly what I was meant to be.

Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.

-Jack Blare

Death Makes You Free

By nature unpredictable,

We faced the truth of ourselves,

Finding shadows on the wall.

Jointly delving into the insanity of humanity,

Hedonistic, nihilistic both freed & chained by youth.

Partisans in the suburban phoney war.

Before one by one & then en masse

They began to desert, the poets, artists & musicians

Signing up with the 9-5 Battalion

Sure I get they wanna be stable.

“There’s virtue in work, make yourself rich.” say the capitalists.

“Work Sets You Free” say the fascists.

The Soviets started as workers councils.

The average member of the San tribe,

Colloquially called the African bush men

Are hunter gatherers.

They work about four hours a day on average.

But staying at your regular job doing the same thing

Day in and day out, the line ran before you, 

Its in the program marked “Western life plan from preschool to death.”

The things I thought were specific choices were teenage whims for many.

Make them think steady over the table work is the be all end all of life.

Or maybe the already wealthy capitalists just made up the idea of a work ethic,

To keep people glued to exploited labour.

Condition the fight out of them after the first couple years,

Then they start to resent people “who are lazy with no work ethic”

Then mock everyone that doesn’t sign up to serve them.

Irrelevant in office and factory jobs. You will never get rich doing that.

You will never even be remembered, simply replaced,

Less valuable than the machines you ran for decades.

Work ethic seems to be a joke CEOS tell their workers

While they make nine figures on a putting green.

More than enough to give everyone in most companies a huge raise

Yet still live in luxury, but they want money like a junky wants junk.

They’ve been killing for it for centuries.

The boss’s son makes 20x what you do

But you don’t know what he does because he barely shows up,

When he does he locks himself in his private office.

Where the junk kids, punk kids, hippies and drunk kids

Once maintained a presence

Of music and joyous anarchy on the streets,

In the dive bars, poetry readings, basement shows.

There were strange, half-mythical characters stalking the 

Alcoholics, schizophrenics, students and stories.

Dope fiends, dope dealers and our own demons.

The perfect lawns & immaculate streets 

Hide the truth, of great wealth or great poverty,

Of a long history of institutional class conflict simmering just under the surface.

The new Cold War is about to burn.


-Jack Blare, 2019

Eclectic Electric

A test on text so meaningless.

Synthesis of experience shapes personality.

Second-hand experiences make second-hand personalities,

Unable or unwilling to put in a minimal amount of effort

With the whole world at their fingertips,

Astronomy, physics, anthropology, history, literature

All at the click of a button.

Technology & society are inseparable.

You can’t learn anything new

If you always have to teach yourself too.

We’ve outdone & outpaced ourselves

We’re slowly turning this planet

Back into the inhospitable, oxygen free molten rock

That it started out as.

Is that life’s purpose?

To advance a species until it kills all the others,

Then finally destroy ourselves?

New life rises from inorganic compounds,

2 billion years later the earth will have forgotten

Every trace of mammal life.

By then a new species will have evolved enough

To make the same mistakes we did.

On & on until the Earth is swallowed by the sun.

Like infectious bacteria we are killing our host,

Parasites well aware that if our host body dies

We die with it, but we keep self-replicating & ravaging it anyway

Even as the fever spikes & the elements lash out in furious agony.

Soon we’ll be stuck on a rotting planetary corpse, doomed parasites in a cadaver.,

With nowhere & no way to run from ourselves,

But we keep going, knowing the consequences

Making the world a bit worse generation by generation

Each one hoping not to be the last.

We’ve collectively cursed ourselves

And doomed our descendants to suffer on a planet in decline

With no way to save themselves.


-Jack Blare, 2019.